The One Board/Unified Model of Leadership
The Brook operates from the administrative framework The One Board/Unified Model of Leadership (Book of Discipline 2016 – paragraph 247.2). The RTS Board (Raising the Standard) Board will consists of a chairperson, (2) Staff Parish Pastor Relations, (2) Finance, (2) Trustees, the Lay Leader and a Youth or Young Adult. This Board orders the life of the ministry articulating, adapting, and amending the mission and vision of the church, ensuring that The Brook is about GOD’S GLORY. Leadership Team (One Board Model)
Christian Education Ministry
This ministry teaches the word of God through our K.I.D.S. In Divine Study Sunday Church and Adult Sunday School Programs. We seek to nurture the spirit within and cultivate a love of God that might direct and guide the lives of our young people. To connect, challenge and compel our young people to share their vision in our ministry.
Committee on Lay Leadership
The Committee on Lay Leadership is composed of professing members of the local church. The charge of this committee is to identify, develop, deploy, evaluate, and monitor Christian spiritual leadership for the local congregation. In conducting its work, the committee shall engage in biblical and theological reflections on the mission of the church, the primary task, and ministries of the local church. It shall provide a means of identifying the spiritual gifts and abilities of the membership. The committee shall work with the church council, or alternative administrative bodies, to determine the diverse ministry tasks of the congregation and the skills needed for leadership.
Communications Ministry
This ministry seeks to ensure that the Gospel is spread through a variety of methods including the Brooks Church Website, Online Streaming,, YouTube, DVD’s, CD’s and newsletters.
Discipleship Bible Study
This ministry encourages spiritual growth and development where believers intentionally learn from and follow Jesus Christ, striving to live more like Him. Our weekly bible study involves a deepening understanding of Scripture, practical application of biblical principles, and a commitment to mentoring and encouraging others in their faith journey.
This ministry seeks to ensure that the congregation is being faithful stewards of the time, talents and treasures that have been entrusted to the faithful in order to achieve and maintain the financial well-being of the church.
Food Pantry
This ministry seeks to reach out beyond the church walls addressing the physical needs of the community.
Health and Welfare Ministry
This ministry seeks to support and provide opportunities for a healing and caring community where each can seek to become a whole person and a better disciple through Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Financial Growth.
Hospitality Ministry
The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry is to establish a warm and inviting atmosphere of love, fellowship and excitement for everyone who enters the church through a friendly welcome, knowledgeable information about the church and help for those who are in need. Relationship with others is of extreme importance, standing next to our relationship with God Himself.
Lay Leader
The lay leader has a role and responsibility that touches the entire breadth of the congregation’s life. The lay leader will advocate, model responsible and faithful discipleship, build awareness within the congregation, recognize and celebrate the ministry of the laity, meet with the pastor, serve on various committees, continue to study, assist the church council and inform the laity of educational opportunities.
Men of Brooks
This ministry seeks to help men grow in Christ so that others may know. We also seek to be a safe haven for both our more mature saints and our younger men so that they can connect and converse on matter’s that effect men.
Missions Ministry
This ministry seeks to win souls for the kingdom and share God’s love by meeting the spiritual and temporal needs of those we meet throughout the world. We stand firm, letting nothing move us and always giving ourselves to the work of the Lord, because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Staff Parish Relations Committee
The Staff Parish Relations ministry is the administrative unit of Brooks Church where the Pastor, staff and congregational interests come together to focus on the mission of the church.
This ministry seeks to handle all of the physical needs of Brooks UMC, ensuring that all facilities and properties are up to date.
This ministry serves as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord, united in one love, one body, striving to do God’s work, and to prayerfully promote an atmosphere where all those entering the church feel welcomed.